How Kavya Got In, Got Caught and Got off the Shelf!!

Chicklit Nightmare!! Kavya Vishwanatha's debut has fallen flat on her face. What is worse is the so called euphemesised "internalisation" has led to her books being withdrawn by Penguin across the shelfs here.
We all owe our creative influences to soemone or the other but this kind of hideous plagirism does not stand Kavya in a good position. what is interesting to note is, McCafferty's books which have been "internalised" and Kavya's novel both share the same author. And that also reminds of how once someone had told me how most of the books floating in the market are ghost-written.In fact, there are questions even on how Kavya actually broke into Harvard.
TOI was quick as usual to put the entire scoop on their front page andi remember very well it was TOI again which had borken the story of Kavya's jackpot on their front page again.
What is there to be watched out now is if Little Brown will ensue with its contract to publish Kavya's second book.
The Harvard Crimson was the first to break the news about two weeks back.
There are more interesting takes on this here by Gladwell and here by kitabkhana.
PS:HOMGKGWGL is at number eleven on the Amazon's bestsellers list and at the numero uno position in the Crossoword's bestsellers chart.
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